Youtube: an archive

"How does design make sense of so much information? We’re swimming in data. The relentless production of digital material has shifted us into a new condition where the foundation of graphic design—image and language—cannot exist without somehow touching (or being touched by) the internet. Massive archives, from digitized libraries to social media platforms, are part of the new landscape that designers rely on for the production and communication of network culture. In the face of this overwhelming accumulation of stuff, curation is key."

Youtube, as an archival system serves many purposes. It entertains, informs, teaches, and catalogs countless hours of media, of all genres imaginable. Despite its usefulness, it more often succeeds in distracting its viewers. they go to youtube with an original intent or purpose, and end up lost in the "mindless scroll" brought on by youtube's up next video function. Media is spoon fed to us automatically, and the content of what is given to us is tailored directly to our interests and what we are watching. AS soon as the video becomes our focus, we are presented with another, often drawing our attention away from the video we were watching and having us only remember a fraction of it. this project is as an attempt to exemplify that process in a new way, with a focus on the overwhelming feeling constantly absorbing videos over a seemingly "short" period of time.